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Does Anxiety Cause Shortness of Breath?

One of the most common symptoms of anxiety is shortness of breath. However, any lung or heart issues can also be associated with shortness of breath. So, people become confused about finding a proper cause for shortness of breath.

So, how can one conclude that shortness of breath is due to anxiety?

Ans. One can conclude that the shortness of breath comes from anxiety, if:

  1. He has no prior history of heart or lung disorders.
  2. There was no genetic history of heart or lung disorders in the family.
  3. He has not recovered from any surgery or prolonged medical treatment.
  4. He lives a moderate lifestyle with good food habits.
  5. He is not a heavy drinker or smoker.
  6. He is undergoing a prolonged duration of stress or loneliness.
  7. Takes insufficient sleep, a maximum of 4-5 hours.
  8. By recognizing the symptoms of anxiety.
  9. One also experiences other symptoms of anxiety, such as deep feelings of fear or panic, excessive nervousness, and trembling.
  10. Shortness of breath from lung or heart issues also shows symptoms like severe chest pains that are not bearable. Moreover, these symptoms worsen with time within an hour or two.

Note: It is always advisable to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis of the issues, rather than engaging in the self-assessment.

Now, let’s see who is more prone to anxiety to conclude better

  1. People with a sedentary lifestyle: Individuals with a sedentary lifestyle, those engaged in sitting jobs or spending extended periods on a couch with minimal physical activity, are prone to developing anxiety issues. So, to rule out chances of anxiety, add exercise or a walking routine into your life, and consider practicing yoga. Making small lifestyle changes such as walking to shop for groceries instead of using a vehicle.
  2. People with Phobias: Individuals with phobias, such as a fear of heights or social phobias, are at a higher risk of developing anxiety issues later on. Timely treatment of such phobias can also prevent anxiety issues.
  3. People under Chronic Stress: People who are undergoing chronic stress or loneliness have very high chances of developing anxiety. The study shows a deep link between stress and anxiety. Stress could be a potential trigger for anxiety. So, stress needs to be treated properly.
  4. Alcohol Habit: People with heavy drinking habits are very prone to develop anxiety disorders. Alcohol interferes with serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain. And, lack of serotonin and other neurotransmitters leads to the development of anxiety in the body. So, managing the alcohol intake prevents the individual from having anxiety issues.
  5. Pressure on Teenagers: Parents and society exert a lot of pressure on teens nowadays to perform in their studies and achieve high grades on exams. This pressure results in the development of anxiety symptoms among teens. Therefore, creating a pressure-free environment for teens could assist them in enjoying a worry-free life and preventing anxiety issues.

How to Control Shortness of Breath (if the cause is anxiety)

Tips to Control Shortness of Breath Caused by Anxiety
  1. Take Deep Breathes
  • Take deep and slow breaths. 
  • Deeper breaths like you are filling your stomach with air
  • Slow inhaling breathing
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds as per your capacity
  • Slow exhaling period but less than inhaling
  • Take deep breaths till you feel comfortable
  1. Divert your mind from the issue and try to engage in some important work
  2. Consult a physician or doctor immediately
  3. Squeeze a stress ball 

Click here to learn – How Stress Ball Works  

How to manage anxiety

Some changes in lifestyle, medications, and therapies can help you manage anxiety disorders and their symptoms. 

  1. Some changes in food habits like infusing some anxiety-calming foods like bananas, oranges, and eggs will help you reduce anxiety effects by increasing good feel hormones in the body.
  2. Some changes to your lifestyle, such as adding physical workouts and yoga, to reduce anxiety symptoms. Engaging in exercise will increase serotonin levels in the body, thereby reducing anxiety symptoms. Additionally, yoga, a breathing exercise, proves highly helpful in reducing anxiety symptoms.
  3. Consulting an anxiety health expert and a prescribed medication course for anxiety will help you in managing anxiety disorders.


A health expert will thoroughly analyze the causes of Shortness of breath and other symptoms to properly assess the situation and advise accordingly. Moreover, ruling out a few factors like the patient’s family history, prior history of any associated issues, lifestyle habits, and stress levels will help you understand the cause of shortness of breath.

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