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How to Break the Cycle of Anxiety?

A repetitive occurrence of anxiety symptoms is referred to as an anxiety cycle. In the anxiety cycle, the symptoms of anxiety are not cured and repeat themselves over an interval of time which may be an hour, day, or weeks. 

To break the cycle of anxiety, the anxiety disorder must be treated properly. 

Anxiety is not a single-day strike/attempt on the body. It takes months or years to develop anxiety in the body. So, one requires multiple actions to cure anxiety.

To cure anxiety, one requires a regular course of medication to be combined with therapy or physical workouts according to their personal choice and type of anxiety. All these medications, therapies, exercises, and their combinations first delay the time intervals between two anxiety attacks and then ultimately completely break the cycle of anxiety.

How to break or stop the cycle of Anxiety

To break the cycle of Anxiety one must need to find out and treat the following:

  1. Root Causes: Root causes are the deep reasons behind the onset of anxiety in the body.
  2. Triggers: Triggers are immediate reasons and daily routine factors that start the anxiety symptoms in the body.

How to break or stop the cycle of Anxiety

To break the cycle of Anxiety one must need to find out and treat the following:

  1. Root Causes: Root causes are the deep reasons behind the onset of anxiety in the body.
  2. Triggers: Triggers are immediate reasons and daily routine factors that start the anxiety symptoms in the body.

Difference Between the Root Causes and Triggers

Root CausesTriggers
1. Root causes are internal factors that could be the root causes of anxiety.
2. Root causes are internal factors such as chronic stress, stressful childhood, and any painful memory or loss.
3. Examples of root causes are 
a. chronic stress from work or finances
b. stressful childhood like strict parents or issues between the parents
c. Painful Memory like loss or separation from a loved one
d. Loneliness
e. Any tragic incident in the past
4. Treatment involves the medication but therapies are highly recommended to treat root causes.
1. Triggers are external factors that work as instant factors to show anxiety symptoms in the body.
2. Triggers are external factors like work stress, fights between couples, and meeting new people.
3. Examples of Triggers are
a. Work stress like the behavior of the boss or colleague 
b. Financial tensions
c. Socializing or meeting new people (Social Anxiety) and
d. fear of driving
e. Phobia -like fear of water or height
f. Sedentary Lifestyle
4. Treatment involves the avoidance of a few factors like stress and medication and therapies for phobias and others.

Medications for Anxiety

Anxiety medications are best for anxiety treatments and provide immediate relief from the symptoms.  But it takes a couple of months to recover completely from medications. Any anxiety symptoms can be treated through anxiety medicines. 

Your health expert suggests the best medicines to immediately relieve symptoms and cure the root causes. 

Types of Medicines

  1. Buspirone: Buspirone is an anti-anxiety medicine used for treating anxiety. It takes a couple of weeks to be effective.
  2. Antidepressants: This medication relieves stress and depression-related anxiety symptoms. A person having chronic stress gets relief through this medicine which helps in breaking the anxiety cycle.
  3. SSRIsSelective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are medicines that increase a neurotransmitter called serotonin in the brain. Serotonin regulates one’s mood, sleep, and memory. Thus, helps uplift the mood of the patient and breaks the cycle of anxiety.
  4. Benzodiazepines: Benzodiazepines are the best drugs for controlling anxiety attacks. These are sedatives that help in the relaxation of muscles and calm the mind. 

Therapies for Anxiety

The best method to treat the root causes of anxiety and phobias is through therapies. Therapies assist in learning how to deal with stress and emotional challenges. They are also helpful in treating phobias associated with external factors such as height and meeting new people.

These therapies teach individuals how to handle and behave in various circumstances and situations. Two major types of therapies are recommended for treating anxiety.

  1. CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the most famous therapy for treating anxiety. This therapy helps an individual accept stressful situations and control your body’s reactions. This therapy is extremely good for treating the root causes of anxiety.
  2. Exposure Therapy is a therapy in which one learns how to face fears and objects that are potential anxiety triggers for someone. This works by imagining those fears and objects in different situations. This proves to be very helpful in treating phobias.

Physical Workout and Yoga

Exercise and yoga could be the best method to treat the symptoms of anxiety and break the anxiety cycle.

Moreover, anxiety treatment takes a couple of months to cure through medication. Few people take anxiety medicines for more than a year or several years. So, to reduce the medication time, one must add any of the following to their ongoing medication:

        • Therapies

        • Physical workout

        • Yoga

  1. Physical Workout or Exercise is the natural and scientifically proven method in the treatment of stress, depression, and anxiety. Exercise also gives multiple health benefits from weight management to cardiovascular health. 

Physical workouts or exercise promotes the natural release of hormones like serotonin which is a key compound of anxiety medications. Also, the production of serotonin decreases the level of cortisol in the body which is a key compound in stress and other anxiety symptoms. This effect remains in the body for a good amount of time, so it is very helpful in treating anxiety symptoms.

Running is the best form of exercise to reduce anxiety symptoms. One can also combine weight training with running exercises as per their interests. But, running alone could be sufficient to fight anxiety.  

  1. Yoga is focused on one’s breathing pattern and is known to be a breathing exercise. As the majority of anxiety symptoms are associated with breathing and chest area, working on breathing exercises or yoga can have miraculous effects on treating anxiety.


Prescribed medicines combined with therapies can treat anxiety. Individuals can also choose to practice exercise or yoga according to their choice to reduce anxiety at a fast pace and to break the cycle of anxiety.

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