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Anxiety Attack vs Panic Attack

There is a fragile line in differentiating between anxiety attacks and panic attacks.

  • They both share and exhibit the same symptoms.
  • The same kind of triggers or stressors can trigger both.
  • Anxiety attacks are surely an outcome of anxiety disorder. A panic attack is only caused by some specific reason or situation.
  • Panic attacks share performance anxiety and agoraphobia as their triggers.
  • Both share a similar kind of medication for treatment.
  • They may require similar therapies as a part of their treatment.
  • They can be triggered at any time of day.

Before going further, first, let’s understand both anxiety and panic attacks to evaluate the differences between them.

What is Anxiety Attack?

An anxiety attack is a sudden outbreak of anxiety symptoms such as fast breathing, racing heart rate, excessive worry, and nervousness.

  • Anxiety attacks are a severe form of anxiety disorder.
  • It can occur with or without any specific reason or cause.
  • Symptoms of an anxiety attack reach its peak within a few minutes.
  • These symptoms are so highly intense and aggressive that one can compare it with a heart attack.
  • People may think they are going to have a heart attack so rush for immediate medical help.
  • Multiple symptoms like fast heart rate and breathing accompanied by excessive nervousness and sweating make the individual restless.

What is a Panic Attack?

A panic attack is the sudden onset of bodily changes, such as an increased heart rate and pounding heartbeat, due to any unpleasant or life-threatening situation.

  • It requires a particular reason or cause to occur.
  • People with social and agoraphobia anxiety can experience this in certain situations like in public and closed spaces.
  • The intensity of panic attack symptoms may vary from moderate to high, depending on the situation.
  • During a panic attack, our body prepares for the fight-or-flight conditions.
  • Adrenal hormone is released to prepare oneself to encounter the situation.
  • It comes to normal when the situation passes by.

Some common Symptoms of Anxiety and Panic Attacks:

  • Excessive Nervousness
  • Fast breathing
  • High Heart Rate
  • Pounding heartbeat
  • Heaviness/tightness in the chest
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Dizziness
  • Severe Headaches
  • Temporary rise in blood pressure
  • Irregular bowel movement

Now, let’s understand the difference between these two.

Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack

Key Differences Between Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack

Panic AttackAnxiety Attack
Dangerous or life-threatening situations cause panic attacks.Anxiety attacks are a severe form of anxiety disorder.
They require a specific reason or cause to be triggered.They may or may not require any specific reason or cause to be triggered.
It is a natural body phenomenon and reaction during a specific condition.It is an outcome of anxiety disorder and showcases the severity of the disorder.
Panic attacks are caused by dangerous and life-threatening situations such as accidents, unpleasant scenarios, and earthquakes.Anxiety attacks are the result of anxiety disorders that can be triggered without any dangerous and life-threatening situations.
These attacks can last for a few minutes to an hour depending upon the situation.These attacks may last for longer durations depending upon the severity of symptoms.
The person becomes normal after the situation passes by and may or may not require any medication or medical help.The individual requires medical help or prescribed medicine for such conditions to become normal.
It does not require any prolonged  medications or special treatment. It becomes normal after the situationIt requires proper medications for a longer period and may also require therapies to overcome anxiety attacks and anxiety disorders.
It occurs only once or twice in a lifetime in rare kinds of situations.It can happen 2-3 days per week or daily depending upon the severity of the disorder.

How to Deal with a Panic Attack?

  •  Drinking a glass of chilled water may help in relaxing.
  • Stay away from the situation is also helpful in some cases.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Try to empty your mind from negative thoughts associated with the situation.
  • Talk to other people to calm you down.
  • If required consult a healthcare provider. He may provide you with some medicine that helps you overcome the symptoms.

How to Deal with Anxiety Attacks?

  • Firstly, take the prescribed medicine if you have one for such a situation as an anxiety attack.
  • Stick to regular medication prescribed as a part of anxiety treatment.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises to help calm your nervous system. Focus on slow, deep breaths.
  • Incorporate a regular exercise regime into your routine. Regular exercise reduces overall anxiety disorder, ultimately decreasing the frequency of anxiety attacks.
  • Exercise naturally releases some happy hormone in the body, that fights anxiety and its symptoms.
  • If required, you can also consult a professional therapist. Some therapies like CBT are found to help recover anxiety.
  • Implement self-care activities, such as getting enough sleep and a healthy diet, which help control these attacks.


Panic Attacks and anxiety attacks exhibit the same symptoms, including excessive nervousness and worry accompanied by racing heart rate and breathing. 

The only difference between them is their trigger and causes. Panic attacks are a natural characteristic of our body during dangerous and life-threatening situations, triggered only in such conditions.

On the other hand, anxiety attacks are caused by a severe form of anxiety disorder, that does not require any specific reason or condition to be triggered.

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