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Anxiety vs Intuition

People are often confused between anxiety and intuition as both are related to our mental well-being and our thought process.

However, intuition is associated with one’s inner self and does not cause any harm to the body. Whereas anxiety is a mental disorder that causes multiple physically harmful changes in the body.

So, how do you evaluate if the ongoing condition is from intuition or anxiety?

Ans. One can evaluate the ongoing condition from intuition, if:

  1. If ongoing thoughts/dreams do not make you anxious for a long period.
  2. It does not interfere with your daily routine.
  3. It does not cause any physical changes in the body.
  4. It only makes you uncomfortable and uneasy for a short time.
  5. The feeling comes and goes away without any medication.
  6. You can focus on your regular work.
  7. One may feel a little anxious and fearful while going through these thoughts/dreams.
  8. By knowing the anxiety and its symptoms.
  9. If you are not experiencing excessive nervousness and panic & fear.

Now, let’s understand more details of anxiety and intuition to understand the situation in a better way.

What is Intuition? 

Knowing something without working or putting effort into it, through one’s inner instinct is called intuition. 

Some people also believe that intuitions are a kind of bad dream that causes unpleasant and anxious feelings in an unconscious state and it’s difficult to break or come out of that state.

  • Intuition is thoughts derived from one’s subconscious mind.
  • It’s a temporary phase of dreaming or thoughtfulness.
  • Intuition can be a bad dream that gives a feeling of lively unpleasant moment.
  • Also, it may help someone with an upcoming event or incident 
  • Some scientists claim to get an idea of complex science theory, with the help of their intuition
  • Intuition is not harmful to the body in either way. It’s just a feeling or dream of a new experience that may be good or bad.
  • Generally, intuition is only a thought or dream that subsides itself after some time. 
  • Intuition may cause some temporary symptoms of uneasiness and discomfort.
  • It does not require any kind of medication to recover from the intuition.
  • Intuition happens rarely.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a deep feeling of panic and fear accompanied by other bodily symptoms like rapid heart rate, uneasiness, and chest heaviness.

  • Anxiety causes some physical symptoms that make someone uncomfortable and uneasy for longer durations.
  • Anxiety is associated with some physical symptoms like shortness of breath, chest heaviness, irregular heart rate, and excessive nervousness.
  • It’s a mental disorder that requires proper treatment through medication and therapies.
  • It takes weeks or months to recover completely from anxiety.
  • Anxiety also causes sudden anxiety attacks that require medicines to recover.
  • Anxiety can happen daily or during short intervals.

What to do, if feeling anxious from intuition:

  1. Calm yourself, by teaching yourself
  • It was a temporary phase of a dream or thought
  • It was a temporary moment
  • It does not do any harm in the real world
  • It is not related to anything in real
  1. Drink a glass of water and try to relax
  2. Divert your mind on your daily routine.
  3. Try to enjoy something you like.
  4. Share your feelings with someone close.
  5. Have your favourite food or beverage.

Final Sentence

Anxiety Vs Intuition

A temporary phase of a dream or thought, which may cause some anxious and fearful feelings in the moment and after is called intuition. Intuition is a temporary and rare occurrence that can go away itself, after starting routine work. On the other hand, anxiety, a mental disorder, causes multiple physical symptoms of discomfort and uneasiness. Anxiety requires medications and therapy to recover from it.

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