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Clonidine for Anxiety

About Clonidine

Nowadays, clonidine is popular as a potential medicine for treating anxiety.

Clonidine is a prescription medicine used to treat hypertension by lowering blood pressure and heart rate.

More about clonidine:

  1. Clonidine is FDA approved drug for the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension).
  2. It is also used for the treatment of ADHD (Auto Deficit Attention Disorder) in children.
  3. It is also used off-label for the treatment of anxiety.
  4. Clonidine is the most suitable to treat individuals having both anxiety and hypertension simultaneously.
  5. It lowers blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and slowing heart rate.
  6. It also aids in sleeping.
  7. It has common side effects such as dizziness, dry mouth, and constipation.
  8. Some serious side effects such as swelling in the face, throat, and rashes require immediate medical attention.
  9. Sudden discontinuation may reverse the effects. So, discontinuation requires medical supervision.
  10. It is sold under the brand names of Catapres and Kapvay.

Clonidine and Anxiety

Clonidine is used off-label for anxiety treatment yet is not FDA-approved for the treatment of anxiety.

Some studies confirm the positive effects of clonidine in reducing anxiety symptoms.

It is helpful in the following types of anxiety disorders:

  • Performance Anxiety
  • Anxiety Attacks
  • Agoraphobia (Social Anxiety)
  • Panic Disorders

Clonidine benefits for different types of anxietyClonidine benefits for different types of anxiety

Individuals having sleeping issues due to anxiety believe that it helps in sleeping disorders.

It can be prescribed in combination with other anxiety medications as an alternative medicine for anxiety treatment.

Clonidine shows promising results as per reviews collected for treatment of anxiety disorder and its medical properties also indicate the same.

How Clonidine Works for Anxiety

Clonidine is effective for treating anxiety in two ways. One on the cognitive level and the other by managing the physical symptoms.

  1. Cognitive Effect
  • It affects certain neurotransmitter in the brain that increases the calmness in the body.
  • It slows down the hyperactivity of neurons in the brain that soothes the ongoing worry and excessive nervousness in anxiety patients.
  • Its sedation properties make this medicine ideal for people having sleep issues due to anxiety.
  • Physical Symptoms

The main usages of clonidine are to reduce blood pressure and control the heart rate is very useful in managing the symptoms of certain types of anxiety like performance anxiety, social and anxiety/panic attacks.

The main symptoms of these anxiety types are increased heart rate and blood pressure. So, clonidine controls the increased heart rate and lowers the blood pressure. So, the individual can have better control over himself.

Clonidine’s calming effects along with its ability to control physical symptoms of anxiety make this a suitable medicine for anxiety.

Clonidine Benefits for Anxiety in Short

  • Increases the calming effect in the body to treat anxiety
  • Slows down the excited neurons in the brain to control anxiety
  • Helps in sleeping to treat insomnia caused by anxiety
  • Controls the increased heart rate which is the main symptom of panic attacks and social/performance anxiety
  • Regulates the blood pressure of an individual that increases during anxiety and panic attacks

How much time Clonidine Takes to be Fully Effective for Anxiety

I will start working within half an hour to one hour after taking medicine.

It will take a few weeks to be fully effective. But, one can start feeling its benefits within a few days.

Dosage of Clonidine for Anxiety

For adults, a starting dosage of 0.1 mg two times a day- Morning & Bedtime

A maintenance dose of 0.2 mg to .06 mg per day is divided into two doses -Morning & evening

High Dose: A maximum of 2.4 mg per day divided into two to three doses as recommended by the healthcare provider. This is also the recommended maximum dose.


It is available in different forms of oral tablets and skin patches.

  • Immediate Release Tablet
  • Extended Release Tablet
  • Transdermal Patches

The exact form of medication will be prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Side Effects of Clonidine

  • Dry Mouth
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Drowsiness
  • Irregular Bowel Movement

Some Serious Side Effects

  • Hives
  • Rashes
  • Swelling in face and throat
  • Difficulty in breathing and swallowing

Precautions to be Taken with Clonidine

  • Surgery: It cannot be taken before the surgery and can be resumed after 5-6 hours after the surgery.
  • To take care of interactions with other medicines. (consult your healthcare provider)
  • Inform your healthcare provider if you experience any side effects
  • Overdose must be reported to the healthcare provider
  • Alcohol is not recommended with this clonidine as it increases the drowsiness


Clonidine could be a potential medication for anxiety treatment. Its cognitive property regulates certain neurotransmitters in the brain to give calmness to the body and reduce anxiety disorder. Its properties to control increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Read: Dicyclomine Use for Anxiety

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