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How Much Gabapentin Should One Take for Anxiety?

Gabapentin Dosage for Anxiety

For Anxiety, a healthcare specialist starts a dosage with a minimum of 900 mg per day in three doses morning, afternoon, and dinner. (Post Meal)

This dose can be increased once every following week. 

Generally, the dose will be doubled to 600 mg three times a day after the first week or ten days, after analyzing suitability and side effects associated with it. 

If one shows a good reaction to the drug and without any serious side effects, then it can double to better control the anxiety symptoms.

The gabapentin dose can be increased to a maximum of 3600 mg per day as per guidelines can be prescribed to manage anxiety.

Usually, gabapentin dosage is given three times a day as it has a half-life of six hours.

How Quickly does Gabapentin work to treat anxiety effectively?

  • Complete functioning to control anxiety typically takes around 3-4 weeks.
  • However, individuals can experience the benefits of the medication within a couple of days after starting it.
  • One may feel its benefits more quickly if it is prescribed in combination with other anxiety medicines.
  • Gabapentin also works quickly if taken at the same time as prescribed by a healthcare professional. 

Gabapentin for Anxiety Treatment

  • Gabapentin is sold off-label for the treatment of anxiety.
  • It is an alternative medicine for the treatment of anxiety symptoms.
  • It mimics the role of the GABA neurotransmitter in our brain.
  • GABA inhibits the excited neurons in the brain.
  • It also produces a calming effect on the mind which reduces anxiety symptoms.
  • One should not drink alcohol while on this medication as alcohol increases drowsiness.
  • One should not stop this medication suddenly. Healthcare supervision is required to be discontinued.

Some Potential Side Effects

Common Side Effects 

  • Blurred Vision
  • Drowsiness
  • Tremors
  • Dry Mouth
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Dizziness

Some Serious Side Effects to be Noted

  • Feelings of Suicide
  • Skin Rashes
  • Somnolence

If one feels any serious side effects, then he/she immediately consults a healthcare specialist.


One can take the prescribed Gabapentin to reduce the anxiety symptoms. It reduces anxiety by mimicking the role of the GABA transmitter in our brain and calms the excited neurons in the brain. One can take a minimum dosage of 600 mg to a maximum dosage of 3600 mg as per approved guidelines for treating anxiety. How quickly gabapentin works depends upon the combination of other anxiety medications and the timely intake of this medicine.

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