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Subconscious Anxiety

Do I Have Subconscious Anxiety?

Ans.  You may have subconscious anxiety. Just answer the following questions to conclude:

  1. You lack focus & concentration
  2. You are now less organized
  3. Your ability to handle stress is now reduced
  4. You feel restless most of the time
  5. You lack inner peace and calmness
  6. If you feel disconnected from your friends and family
  7. You become careless in your daily work
  8. You feel tired and fatigued, despite your good health condition
  9. You feel lonely despite having good friends and family
  10. You lack interest in sexual activity and become less desirous

If most of the answers are yes, then you may be suffering from subconscious anxiety.

Now, let’s understand: what is subconscious anxiety, its symptoms, causes, and treatment.

What is Subconscious Anxiety?

Subconscious anxiety is a type of anxiety in which psychological symptoms are more dominant than physical symptoms, and the person is unaware of its existence. 

Being uncomfortable and restlessness are the common traits of subconscious anxiety. People lack enjoyment even in joyous moments with friends and family. It is also associated with insomnia in some people. 

Subconscious anxiety can be the pre or post-anxiety stage of the main anxiety disorder. It could be a part of recovery from extreme anxiety or it could be a warning sign of conscious anxiety. The research shows a relationship between the subconscious and anxiety.

Subconscious anxiety is hard to recognize, so it is left untreated allowing it to become chronic which eventually affects work performance and the ability to keep oneself happy and relaxed.

So, how can one evaluate having subconscious anxiety? Let’s read some symptoms to understand this completely and find out which of the symptoms matches yours.

Symptoms of Subconscious Anxiety

Subconscious Anxiety Symptoms
  1. Lack of Focus: You may lack focus from small tasks to bigger ones. When you find small errors or mistakes in your day-to-day tasks that were not common earlier, this is a clear sign of a lack of focus. For example, you made a wrong payment to a vendor or may not have saved a file you prepared for hours. You may also have difficulty paying attention to work and activities that require concentration.  
  2. Disorganization: This is also a common symptom of this kind of anxiety. People lose interest in managing themselves and their physical belongings. For example, one may avoid keeping important files in place or postpone managing the kitchen shelves. This disorganization was not common earlier.
  3. Restlessness: People with subconscious anxiety feel restless all the time and feel not completely relaxed in activities which were very joyous earlier. They start lacking interest in going out with friends and family. 
  4. Feeling Disconnected: People may feel disconnected from friends and relatives. They lack interest in meeting them and also avoid social gatherings. This increases the feeling of loneliness which further enhances the issues.
  5. Decrease in Ability to Handle Stress: People lose the ability to handle stress. They feel irritable in undesired situations and become furious over small issues. They tend to avoid activities which were earlier a kind of enjoyable for them.
  6. Carelessness: People become careless compared to their previous lifestyle. They show careless behavior in small to big tasks which cost them in many ways. 
  7. Short Episodes of Physical Symptoms: One can feel mild to moderate intensity short episodes of physical symptoms for two to three hours. These symptoms appear without any specific reasons or causes. They come and go away on their own without a need for medication and attention. But, one can be worried about these physical symptoms, but they go away without taking any preventive medical attention or medications. These physical symptoms include:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest heaviness
  • Sudden Headaches
  • Nervousness
  • Sleeping Issues
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  1. Low Sexual Activity: One may also lose interest in sexual activity. This does not mean he/she is not desirous of sex but the feeling for the act will be decreased compared to previous lifestyle. It seems like a decrease in libido, sexual desires, and activities. Sex is a natural gift for every living creature which brings in inner happiness and promotes the release of hormones like endorphins and oxytocin important for relaxation and inner peace. When someone lacks sexual activity, it promotes negative thoughts and other anxiety-related issues in the body.
  2. Loneliness: People start feeling lonely despite good family and friends. As earlier said, that individual becomes less joyous and disconnected from friends and family so ultimately feels lonely in life.

Causes of Subconscious Anxiety

The causes are very similar to those of anxiety. But let’s take a look at causes to bring more clarity to the topic.

  1. Chronic Stress: Chronic stress could be a potential reason for subconscious anxiety. Studies also show the effects of stress on anxiety. Stress releases cortisol hormone, harmful to the body in the long run. 
  2. Stressful Childhood: Persons having a stressful childhood are more prone to anxiety in later years. A stressful childhood puts a person under a longer duration of stress which is a factor for anxiety. A stressful childhood also develops a negative outlook on life and also a victim of anger issues which are also linked with anxiety.
  3. Depression: A person under depression has a high chance of developing anxiety. Depression creates a negative mindset which is an ideal condition for anxiety development. Depressions also cause insomnia and other bodily disorders which are responsible for anxiety.
  4. Genetic Causes: A family history of anxiety disorders can be responsible for the development of anxiety in a person. 
  5. Medical Issues: A person having certain medical disorders is responsible for anxiety. Medical disorders can make a person vulnerable to anxiety. Medical disorders involve:
  • Thyroid Issues
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Issues
  • Respiratory Disorders
  • Persons undergoing medical treatments or medications
  1. Alcohol Addiction: Anxiety can be triggered by heavy alcohol consumption. Both alcohol addiction and withdrawal are direct causes of anxiety.
  2. Phobias: People with certain phobias like fear of heights and social gatherings are more likely to have anxiety.
  3. Loneliness: People who live alone have a high chance of developing anxiety. Living alone directly impacts mental abilities and positivity, creating conditions for anxiety.

Treatments for Subconscious Anxiety

  1. Medications: A medical health consultant can suggest medications that can help treat this anxiety. These medications work on curing the root causes as well as triggers of anxiety for complete recovery from anxiety.
  2. Therapies: Therapies are the best solutions to treat subconscious anxiety. Therapies work with one’s fears and painful emotions. Therapies are used to treat the causes of anxiety. The therapist may ask you about the inner fears and old painful memories. They also work on the external stressors.

These two famous therapies are available which are widely used in such treatments.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This therapy is beneficial for treating subconscious anxiety disorders. This therapy cures by treating the root causes. It also makes you cope with adverse situations and daily stress. 
  • Exposure Therapy: This therapy is mainly about facing the fears and the painful memories. This therapy makes you learn about stressful situations by imagining those situations. It is a simple and discussion-based therapy.
  1. Meditation: Meditation originated in India in Vedic times and is now very popular in the USA. 

According to a 2017 U.S. survey, the percentage of adults practicing some form of meditation in the previous 12 months tripled between 2012 and 2017, rising from 4.1 percent to 14.2 percent.

Research shows several health benefits from meditation. Meditation enhances mindfulness which proves very helpful in managing issues of anxiety, depression, and stress. It increases the positive thoughts in the mind. Meditation also increases focus which is the most common symptom of subconscious anxiety.

Meditation cures the negative thoughts and issues related to mental health. It enhances the self-confidence and inner peace.


Nowadays, subconscious anxiety is common in society. Individuals suffering from it show more psychological symptoms than physical symptoms and they are unaware of this disorder. Some common symptoms are lack of focus, restlessness, and feeling of loneliness. Proper medications and therapies can cure it, and meditation proved to be very beneficial in treating this type of anxiety.

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