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Wellbutrin vs Lexapro for anxiety

Anxiety is a condition that affects the life of an individual in many ways. It not only affects the personal life but also creates issues at the workplace for the working persons.

Individuals seek medical help and healthcare providers prescribe medicines for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

There are a lot of medications available in the market that are directly or indirectly beneficial for treating anxiety.

Among the medications for anxiety, there are two potential medications available: Wellbutrin and Lexapro.

People may be confused about these two medicines: Wellbutrin vs Lexapro

  • Which is best for anxiety
  • Do they work differently
  • Which has a fast recovery time
  • Which comes with less side effects
  • Their dosage

Let’s find out the answers to all these questions and the difference between the two.

Wellbutrin Vs Lexapro

Wellbutrin is the brand name of the Bupropion drug.Lexapro is the brand name of the Escitalopram drug.
This is an FDA-approved medication for the treatment of anxiety as well as depression.This is an SSRI class of medicine that is a specific class to reduce anxiety and depression.
This is not an SSRI or SNRI class of medication.This is an SSRI class of medicine that is specific class to reduce anxiety and depression.
It works by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters called Norepinephrine and dopamine.It works by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters called serotonin.
To increase their levels, it blocks the reabsorption process of these two neurotransmitters.To increase its level, it blocks the reabsorption process of serotonin.
Dopamine is responsible for happiness and Norepinephrine is responsible for regulating mood.Serotonin is responsible for regulating mood and appetite.
It enhances the mood, balances the emotions, and feeling of happiness to treat anxiety issues.It enhances the mood to treat anxiety.         
Sweating, dry mouth, and constipation are common symptoms of Wellbutrin.Drowsiness, lack of sleep, and dizziness are common side effects of Lexapro.
This is a second or third-line medication for anxiety means this is not the first choice of a healthcare provider to treat anxiety.This is the first-line medication for treating anxiety. This means this is the first choice of a healthcare provider to treat anxiety.
One of the side effects anxiety, makes this medicine a little bit inappropriate for anxiety.It does not have such side effects. It has fewer side effects than other medications.           
Recommended Dosage: Once a day, ideally in the morning.Recommended Dosage: Once a day, ideally in the morning.


Both Wellbutrin and Lexapro have properties that help in reducing anxiety. But, anxiety itself is one of the side effects of Wellbutrin makes it less ideal for treating anxiety.

Additionally, it is not an approved drug for anxiety. So, it is not recommended in the first place to treat anxiety. On the other side, Lexapro is an approved medication for treating anxiety with fewer side effects. This makes Lexapro a better medicine to treat anxiety than Wellbutrin.

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